Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Delaney does not share food!!! (AKA- Make Safe the Popcorn)

Our little miss is tiny- like less than 20 pounds, 28 inches tiny. But her eating prowess is legendary. SHe has been known to eat more than her four year old brother and two of his friends PUT TOGETHER, but very few believe us until they see her in action.

last sunday, we had some friends over, one of whom was a 22 month old girl who is Delaney's best friend. We popped them some popcorn, but in a matter of SECONDS they had dessimated the living room by spilling it, rolling in it, stomping on it, yelling at it, and occassionally, actually eating it. Instead of carpet, we had a snow drift of popcorn from the fireplace to the kitchen. We all dealt with it for about 20 minutes because the girls seemed happy and were eating a little bit of it.

When we could not stand the destruction any longer (Derick was rocking back and forth in the fetal position sucking his thumb because of the chaos), my friend Ali broke out the vacuum cleaner. Now let me explain, both girls are terrified of the vacuum and usually huddle together on the couch to escape from it. Delaney was standing there watching as the vacuum started about three feet away from her. She stared at it with trepidation for a few moments, but when she realized the vacuum was making the popcorn disappear, she frantically started to grab handfuls of popcorn and stuff it into her mouth before the vacuum consigned it to oblivion. Ali began laughing so hard she actually stopped vacuuming for a minute, which Delaney capitalized on by chew and swallowing. When the vacuum started up again, it was more handfuls stuffed in for safe keeping. We only wish we coulda got it on video for everyone to see just how cute it was!

here is a recent picture of Delaney enjoying her favorite food- bananas!