Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Fresh in the Garden State!!

Here are our first tomatoes and all of us agreed they were REALLY yummy! Gibson got to pick them and was so excited to do so . We had them with dinner! You can taste that good Jersey air and Sunshine!

and speaking of the Garden State- My Aunt Gale sent me a magnet for my car that says "Jersey Girls don't pump gas"- What a score! I ran out to the garage to put that baby on my bumper!

Also got a fuel belt today- I bought it with my gift certificate that I won at the Triathlon (a LONNNG time ago!) -they gave me no problems BTW, Michelle! so i guess I have to start using the blasted thing! EERRR!

less than 40 days!!!

Gib started the official Pre-K school year- here is his excitement at the first day!! and yes, he picks out his own clothes now-a-days...