Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Toofs

Gibson had the oral surgery we described previously. It was hysterical trying to talk to him when he got the oral meds to knock him out. His eyes were rolling around, his head was lolling and he couldn't speak beyond a drunken mutter, but he was DETERMINED to stay awake- even while I was stroking his nose, like i did when he was a baby! Finally he was out of it enough that they finished him off with Laughing gas. The surgery took less time than reading a chapter of scripture and one row of knitting and he got to ride out in a wheel chair. The roots of the teeth were SOOOO deep and the surgeon said that he would probably be seeing us several times more because he seems to have a small mouth and normal sized teeth! GREAT! Also the tooth that was loose on the top kinda popped out during surgery, so he has lost 10 teeth!!!
The only problem was once he got home, his stubbornness continued and he kept running into walls and falling even though he was SUPPOSED to be laying down and going to SLEEP! He started to complain about his tummy aching, and we remedied it temporarily by giving him a heating pad and him laying down in a ball . He eventually lost all the Jello and ice cream he had eaten twice (that was fun!) and he also got dizzy and fell while going to the bathroom ( even more fun) and now seems to be fine except wanting the Cheez-its his sister is eating! No Crunchy food for about 5 days they said.... we will do what we can!
they said he can probably go to school tomorrow, but his teacher said even if he can't stay in all day, to come by so that he can show off his scars and his Xray, because they are studying the Letter X this week!


Anonymous said...

studyiing the letter X! Perfect timing!

Mandy said...

the tooth fairy is going to have to take a loan out for all those teeth...

Anonymous said...



it's hard to get me speechless...but for this one...i really am!!