Sunday, March 2, 2008

Diva on the move!

So, after sleeping for a couple nights with Gibson, Gibson was sick of Delaney. When she was henceforth rejected and put into her own bed, she went nuts with baby angst. We found her curled behind her door with all of her blankets cocooned around her (so yes, she can get out of her crib by herself!!!) Well, today at nap, I guess she was similarily vexed, and this is how we found her rubbing her eyes sleepily and the condition of her room after said nap-

This is the dynamo out fit the little miss put on while throwing her little room trashing fit- that is three bibs, a onesie, a pair of overalls and a sweatshirt-around her waist, of course. WE found out later that their wasn't a diaper on under there either! Of course she left a puddle somewhere in the house that has yet to be discovered!! Can you say Headstrong?? MY little girl?? WHere did it come from???


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Haha this is TOO funny!!!

she's so precious and i just love her to pieces!!

i can't wait to play with her when i get home!

ps: this is my new blog

Chandice said...

Oh my gosh how are you?! I haven't talked to you in so long! We miss the NJ clan :) Your kids are getting so big and you look so cute! What's new with you and your family? Josh and I are just lovin' the 80 degree weather in AZ. I'm at ASU and doing instructing pilates, Josh is working and practicing Javelin. We miss you!

Mandy said...

She can be a spit fire huh!! Gotta love it when they start getting frustrated and take it out on the nearest thing... that is where Collin is now:)