Sorry I am so slow at updating this week- we actually had some fun things going on, and some recaps from earlier entries!
On Monday, the weatehr was nice enough that the kids got to play outside and ride bikes a bit. I am disappointed we didn't get much snow, but it is nice to see spring is almost here!!
On Tuesday my LOVELY gal pals, Jenn, ALiah and Faith came over for our 3rd edition of LUNCH BUNCH! we took advantage of the mild weather and fed the ducks in my back yard! One of the reasons I love this home so much! We had my favorite RR recipe and I THINK it went over well! I heard later that ALiah really messed up her back! I am so sorry honey! feel better! do you need me to bring food and Bionicles to lose at your house?
Another BIG even was making the RR recipe that we saw live at her show taping- no we weren't on, but the guy behind us was. The show with the most segments that we taped will be on on MONDAY! so TiVo it! I am wearing pink, Bronwyn, lavendar, and Sterling, Blue. ANyway, while the recipe is good ( i tweaked it a Little) it looks like a- gotta use this phrase- hot mess for a while. I mean this is REALLY green- like somewhat billious green. I was also trying to cram so much spinach into my food processor that I took out my favorite PC spatula!! Here s the link to the official recipe. I also love it with FETA cheese and more garlic (of course). Please make sure you REALLY like spinach before you make it!
the BIGGEST MOST IMPORTANT event of the week was Gibson's Kindergarten ROund up. THis is where all eliglible kids get all the pre-lim work done for K-g. I had to literally produce my first born child, three bills, a birth certificate, DEED TO MY HOUSE and driver's license to these people to ensure that I live in the charming suburb of Ewing. (do YOU guys know where the DEED to your HOUSE is ?????) MY GOSH!! then they proceed to do other things, like show your kid a million pictures and hope they answer the ridiculous questions they ask right. Then they take up all the medical forms- I had 3 non weekend days to get a doctor and a dentist to fill out comprehensive forms of my child's health history! seriously. THen another testing session where they made him write, draw, identify colors, count and hop on one leg. then hop on the other one. Then walk in a straight line. then do it backwards. (field sobriety test anyone??) he got a 97.5% out of 100 becasue he failed to put ears and a neck on his stick figure (yeah, go ahead, roll your eyes. I'll wait.)
but for the most part he was good about it. He was bored during the waiting times, but was happy to see so many of his buddies from pre-school there! I actually got asked where I got my hair cut, so that was big compliment to me! We celebrated being "roundup" by eating pizza and Garlic knots (yum!!!!) at the local pizza shop. The school actually gave us this cute book about the first day of school and one of those cute care packages that has the Hershey kiss and rubber band and stuff in it that represent different aspects of going to school..... Very Exciting stuff- can you see that excitement in the little guy's face??
That night I got to teach Knitting to the Young Women at church (yes I am a knitting nerd and I can't help myself) [BTW-Here is the scarf I talked about last week- my friend LOVED it!]
and then went to a Project Runway finale party at my son's Preschool- yeah- you saw that right- they have a video projector and had it life size. It was me, a couple of teachers and friends and they kept making these drinks that looked like Jolly Ranchers (I am so glad I don't have to mess with that stuff!) It was great to yell at a full size image of the people you wanted to yell at! and see the yummy designs up close!
Thursday I got a pedicure and started cleaning out the basement (my life is so glamourous!) and there was a great Enrichment meeting, thanks MISH! Once I got my attitude under control, I enjoyed being around everyone and doing the service projects.
Friday was the usual whirlwind with the kiddos and domestic goddess-hood: shoping at sams etc while there were torential rains coming
Saturday, more basement and more rain and finally a power outage that scared Gibson to death. Fun times with our oil lamp, candles, flashlights and fireplace (marshmallows, yum!!). Here is some footage of the flooding out back (compare to Tuesday's picture for a frame of reference!!)
WHich brings us to today, the longest and hardest, working day of the week. Delaney had some great moments this week- she learned how to say "I'm sorry" and "tummy hurts" and dressed up in a princess dress, an Eeyore costume, and a diver wetsuit all in one day! She also pooed in the potty for the fun of it. Today she kissed a boy full on the mouth for about 7 seconds, while me and this boy's father just gawked, shocked! Gibson is being a big brother and an all-around-almost-kidergarten kid! they seem to be getting more brilliant and grown up by the minute!