Monday, February 25, 2008

Recognizing genius.

This morning my son wanted to wear his "crocs" (they're fakes). He proudly stated that they are waterproof. I said, well, they don't stay wet, but they have holes, so water can get in. We went around like this for a while, some other stuff happend, we went to the gym, I worked out, then we left. As we were walking out, I noticed he had his sneakers on. I asked him about it and he said to me "I recognized that the crocs had holes in them and that my feet would get cold." I said "Recognized is a really big word Gibson". and he said "I recognized that I can use big words."

So there it is, genius. Of course he gives us several examples a day of him NOT being one, but he says gems like this, that are as intelligent as they are ADORABLE!